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TrendTrading Studio

TrendTrading Studio is a subscription service that offers access to various indicators whose algorithm can be used for trading Bitcoin & altcoins as well offer insights into the state of the crypto market.

Some algorithms (BBB, BSOI) help with long term trades but most of them (BECKI, BEAST etc.) are meant for swing trades of days to multiple weeks.

There will be a Discord channel where people can discuss them as well as general trading. Various articles and videos will cover them in future. The subscription also contains updates of these tools, including necessary adjustments when markets change their behavior.

Questions? Check out the FAQ.



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BECKI trades Bitcoin and Ethereum, but can also be used with various crypto coins. It also allows trading altcoins with Bitcoin signals. BECKI is based on a moving average plus some noise reduction methods that avoid fake moves thus reducing losses.




BEAST interprets price action and performs quick trades as well as swing trades. Works best on BTC and ETH, but can also be used to trade altcoin rallies. Enters & exits extremely fast.




BEYOND uses patterns and other contextual information to trade BTC. Enters & exits rather fast. So far it was not adapted for trading ETH or other altcoins, which will likely be done in future.




MCS buys and sells coins during an uptrend in order to improve profits. Holds up to six coins at the same time, which reduces risk, but nevertheless manages to produce similar gains like the top performing coins.




BBB allows detecting bull and bear markets as well as tops, bottoms and pullback points. It works for BTC, ETH, altcoins as well as stock indexes. BBB can also be used for long-term investing as a risk-reduced alternative to DCAing and averaging down.




BSOI tries to detect Bitcoin cycle tops and bottoms. Is very flexible which why it works so effectively on past data. Should work better on detecting bottoms in future, because they are easier to detect due to more data.




HLI shows how many coins and stocks reached new highs & lows and are up or downtrending. This provides a useful assessment of the state of the market.




TCI displays the trend curves of BTC & other altcoins. 100 coins available as presets, but own coins
can be selected too. Each coin has its own line. Good sign if a coin breaks out above BTC. A bold line means a strong uptrend. A colored line below BTC is also a signal. You can wait until a coin breaks out above BTC or you can try to enter it when its line is below BTC & turns colored or bold. TCI suggests selling by making a coin's label and line (dark) gray. Once a coin is bought it can be monitored with TCI Solo for more details.



TCI Solo

Like TCI but only displays BTC and 1 coin. You can run multiple instances to display more than one coin (plus BTC). Click on the image above for explanations. There is also a green/red signal curve, which gives you an estimate of when the coin will turn green or red.




BSVI displays slow & fast trading signals based on volume. Works fine with BTC, but may not work for altcoins with unreliable volume data. Slow signals are similar to BECKI, fast ones similar to TCI. Meant as an aid for these 2 indicators as volume is more sensitive.The volume bars are the slow signal. They show green for uptrend or sideway moves and red for dips or crashes. A green or red line above the volume bars is a fast signal indicating a possible trend change. The green background color indicates bull runs.